Monday, June 13, 2016

Best Places to Read This Summer

All this beautiful, warm summer weather has got me thinking about vacation. Vacation is still a ways off but that then got me thinking about where the most amazing places to read a book would be. The beach is obviously high up on that list (at least for me), but where else do people love to read? Here are my favorites!

The Beach

This is a snapshot of my husband reading on the beach in the Dominican Republic - pure paradise!

My Backyard

I love sitting out in my backyard with a book and a cup of coffee (or wine!). We have these bright blue Adirondack chairs that are perfect for relaxing.

Under a Willow Tree

There is something so romantic and peaceful about a willow tree. It's been my dream to have one in my backyard so I could read under it!

Shakespeare and Company

This place is definitely on my list when we get to Paris in a couple of years. How amazing does this place look!?

Hearst Castle Gothic Study

If this place doesn't scream literature, I don't know what does. I would love to curl up in one of those chairs for a few hours and be transported away to another land!

I think Mark Twain said it best when he said:

“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”

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